When I first realized I was coming up on a year I was disappointed, thinking that I hadn't done much or had many adventures, but as I thought it over some more, it turns out I've actually been pretty busy. Here's some of what I'm been up to (not in chronological order):
Went to Las Vegas twice.
Drove to Michigan and back twice (not counting the drive out).
Drove to Seattle and had a lovely vacation there, seeing six old friends in three different states.
Vacationed in DC and escorted a friend/protegee for her first visit to the temple.
Vacationed in Rexburg, Idaho four times.
Cried once because I didn't get to go to Rexburg.
Got a job.
Got a promotion.
Fell in love.
Got a broken heart.
Got over it.
Understand everything about life better now.
Was asked on three dates by three different guys in just one week.
Attended my first political rally.
Paid a utility bill for the first time in my life.
Moved THREE times:
once into a shared house in Salt Lake
once into a darling little cottage in Draper
once (just yesterday) into a charming huge, old farmhouse in Draper which I own.
That's right. I bought a house. It's a long story that I will tell you later.

All in all, I'd say it's been a pretty awesome year.