Monday, May 19, 2008

So many life adventures, so few blog posts

I would estimate that approximately 5% of the blog posts I write in my head actually get typed and published. I think largely it's because I think no one is interested in a post without a picture. I will ponder on this. And without further ado, present you with this picture:

I have been nesting lately. Although I have never in my life had any sort of interest in plants, gardening, etc about 6 months ago, I saw a plant at Ikea that I HAD TO HAVE. I bought it. It died. I was heart-broken. To help heal my broken heart, for my birthday Becca and Richard gave me a new plant and some Miracle Grow to help me out. That plant also died. I was very sad.

I've decided my next attempt will be an herb garden. Above is the first member of my herb garden family: Basil. If I keep him alive for a week or two I will get another and grow from there.

In the photo above, he is fresh from the farmer's market and sitting happily on my desk at work. He has since been transplanted in a cheery yellow pot and is at home.

And while we're on the subject, I really really want a garden. I am just longing for one. Sigh.

Who is this person I've become? I didn't even know what basil was when I moved to New York. (well, I knew it was an herb of course but I couldn't recognize it by smell and wouldn't have known what the actual plant looked like.)


stacey said...

i still can't get over the fact that you LIVE in new york!! it is so cool. isn't the whole "garden thing" funny. my mom and dad ALWAYS made us help with the garden and it was TORTURE. i swore i would NEVER have one. now, of course, i am dying to have one!! funny.

Heather said...

Ya for herb gardens!! I want to start one too. I have a great recipe for basil, feta stuffed chicken that is EASY!!!

Tamara said...

Don't feel bad, ever plant that I have ever owned has dies as well.

Happy Herrons said...

My heck - come and visit - we have like a 1/2 ACRE garden this year with some friends - they planted FOURTY tomatoe plants