Monday, February 1, 2010

I CAN'T BELIEVE I forgot this

As I was painting my kitchen this evening, all the sudden out of nowhere I remembered one of the very best, most wonderful things about my birthday celebration in Vegas, and I knew right away that I simply MUST share it with you.

My super wonderful boyfriend HAPPILY snuggled up with me and watched ALL FOUR HOURS of my favorite version of Jane Eyre.

I am a lucky woman.

Subtitle: birthday addendum


Kate said...

I'm sure the list of great things about your boyfriend is just so long it was mixed up in all the other goodness : ) He sounds like a keeper for sure.

merebuff said...

you are lucky, and so is he because that movie has a steamy section, and it caused you to like him even more.

I'm pretty sure of it.

That is a good version, and it makes me want to finish the book.

Tamara said...

he sounded like a keeper before... and now! WOW!

Anjanette said...

Happy belated birthday. Hope all is going well for you. It sounds like you have a great guy, I am so happy for you.


maxfamclan said...

A sure sign of a good guy

Kimpossible said...

I'm so happy for you!!

Deibel Family said...

I LOVE that book! It's one the first classics I read as a girl and understood what was going on--ha, ha. I don't think I've seen this version. My favorite so far was the one where Mr. Rochester is played by one of the former James Bond actors (can't remember his name.) I wonder if my library has this one.