Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Post

I feel like my last post was a bit on the "Negative Nelly" side, so I want to clear some things up.

First, it's not that I'm opposed to being in Utah, it's just that I was so very very fond of being in New York and it was sad to see my last tie severed. People who live in Manhattan tend to have that as a big part of their identify, so now I'm just learning to define myself on different terms. And let's just come out and say it-- living in Utah is a bit cliche, if you're not from here.

Second, I realized I very much like the motto on the license plate. The other one was old. This is the new one
"Life Elevated." I can get behind that. It is meaningful and inspiring on several different levels. I'm happy to bare that slogan on my car.

And so far I've only lost my car in the parking lot twice. And, obviously, I did eventually find it both times. It occurred to me that knowing what my plate number was would have been helpful. I should really look into that.

So, I"m sorry if I was seeming like a Debbie Downer. Please forgive me.


Happy Herrons said...

It is good to see the positive side, maybe you should get a big plunger and stick it on top of your car so you can find it?

Rebecca said...

We spent a couple of car trips trying to come up with sentences to make from our license plate numbers so we could remember them better. Our Utah plate was 863 Monkeys Jumping and Laughing. And I remember it still 4 years after we had to change it.

Every time we get new plates I groan because, dude, we'll never come up with as good a memory technique. But some diligence and brain storming proves me wrong eventually!

paul newton said...

I love that the plate in the picture says SLCPUNK!
That was my favorite movie for years... Now I've moved on to Finding Nemo.

Hi Holly!
I was searching for your brother and found you. Yay!