Monday, March 31, 2008

Job report

I had to come to work this morning at 9am. I don't know how the rest of the country does it. I had to wake up at 6 (yes, SIX) thirty to get here on time! And the subways are much more crowded at 8 then at 10. It's a good thing I only have to deal with it one day a week. With this in mind, I have decided to make my official "New Job Report"

Things I like about my new job: (in no particular order)
1. Not having to be at work until 11am four days a week and still getting to leave at 6.

2. Awesome co-workers, including the attorneys

3. Time and a half after 35 hours

4. This is the building I work in (to the right of Trinity Church [the church featured in the end of that Nicholas Cage movie about treasure hunters whose title elludes me at the moment but doesn't warrant looking up])

The interior of the building (esp. the entry) is very lovely as well (gold-domed ceilings, cheribum, etc), but I couldn't find pictures that would copy over.

5. I love working in the financial district. It is just such a pretty place. I love all the tall, old buildings so close together. It creates a very unique and somehow magical atmostphere.

6. I don't have to switch trains for my commute.

7. When the phone rings, it is my job to answer it but it is very rarely any sort of a problem that I have to deal with, which is very liberating. I just connect them into the right person. (this is a very welcome change from my last job)

8. I work on almost the top floor which makes me feel special. I like to feel like I'm more important than the people on floors 1-19.

9. It is just what I wanted--an easy job to keep the money flowing in,but requiring very little of my brain power while not being boring.

10. It seems that I am in a building full of gentlemen and I like it! My male co-riders in the elevator just about always let me get out first and they usually hold the door. I know it's a small thing, but it really makes me feel like a lady and I like it.

11. Free subway pass!

Things I don' t like about my job
1. When people ask me what I do i have to admit that I"m an administrative assistant. For a while I responded "I work at a law firm on Wall Street," but then people inevitably thought I was a lawyer or at least a paralegal. I know that every sensible person recognizes the supreme importance of a good secretary, but still it doesn't strike a person as a job for a person with drive and ambitious. Of course, I guess I contradict myself (see #9 above)


stacey said...

holly! this is cousin stacey! i can't believe you are living in new york! i am soooo jealous. your job sounds exciting and not too draining! perfect! i have a blog too, it is nice to know what is up with all you cousins! talk to you later.

Sharon said...

Holly, so now that we are reconnected I'm taking a trip to NY City with a girlfriend and we fly in on Thursday. We are staying with a friend in Brooklyn, maybe we could meet up, e-mail me because I don't have your e-mail,

Tamara said...

I am so glad that you are enjoying your job. Thanks again for Sunday:)