About three weeks ago, I said to myself "My birthday is coming up. What shall I do to celebrate?" Then I decided I would do ANYTHING that I wanted to do. If I wanted to to to Spain, I would go to Spain. If I wanted to eat steak all day, I would. After removing all restrictions and thinking about it very hard, I decided I wanted to spend the day painting my apartment. This, I figured, would not only get something I've been excited about done, but also goes with my "new apartment, new life" theory, I figured I would start 29 out strong.
For some reason, I decided I needed a birthday self-potrait. That was silly enough, and I have no idea why the ham sandwich I"m posting it here, but I can't stop myself.

Don't judge the photo too harshly--it was 4:30 AM and I'd only had three hours of sleep because while I was laying in bed at 11:30 I'd decided I wanted to make peanut butter chocolate chip muffins for my temple shift. I'm not sure how a lack of sleep can change the shape of one's face, but I'm hoping very much that I don't usually look like that.
I worked my shift at the temple and went to work. We celebrated all the December birthdays on my birthday. Yum!

I left early and went home to paint. That day I got the taping out the edges, priming, and half of the living room done.
Richard and Becca came over for dinner and to keep me company while painting. Richard brought very tasty Indian food and Becca brought a very yummy homemade vegan birthday cake. Becca, Richard, and I met our freshmen year at college. So the celebration that evening was a combined birthday and ten year anniversary party. It was really nice.
My two very favorite presents:

My parents sent me money with which I bought two glass pie pans (are you as shocked as I was to discover that I didn't already have some?) and this totally awesome welcome mat which rocks my world

So, all in all, it was a great day. As I spend several hours alone painting and thinking, I had an unbelievable amount of insights and discoveries about myself that were really soul-shaking. I know this is going to be the best year yet!