Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Vacation

Although I am scheduled to work on December 24th and 26th, today marked the first day of my own special Christmas Vacation.

Because even for someone as lucky as me to have such thoroughly delightful roommates, there is something completely magical about having the apartment all to myself for three weeks. Yippee!!!

I know things will be right where I left them. I don't have to worry about what time to get in the shower or if someone is going to drink all of my juice. No dirty dishes left in the sink!!! (I know, I know, that puts the "petty" in pet peeves, but it bugs me.) I can walk around in my underwear all day (my roommates are good sports about my compulsive underwear wanderings, but I do feel the need to exercise restraint when they might be around). There will be no mysteriously opened cabinets and closets. The shower thingie will always be down. I will play the piano whenever I want. I can use the blender (very important for vegan cooking) whenever I want. (Also, just FYI, I"m not really vegan anymore. I'm not a flexi-vegan who likes to avoid cheese but does eat it on occasion. I still like to vegan bake though.) I will still clean the apartment every night before going to bed, but it will only be my stuff I clean (to be honest, it was mostly my stuff even when the roomies were around). I will play music whenever I want. I can exercise in the living room morning, evening, night, whenever! Ah the joy and delight!!

Tomorrow I start the big paint project!! Hopefully I'll be able to get it all done in one day, but perhaps I"m being overly optimistic. Then I'm refinishing (this is perhaps not the right verb) a few spots on my bedroom floor and moving the bed to be in a better feng shui position. And I'm probably going to get a Christmas tree.


Happy Herrons said...

Well you have fun in your little piece of heaven! If prices get really cheap maybe we will fly you out to Utah in January!

Amelia Murdock said...

wow holly.... i think it might be time for you to think about getting your own place lol