Sunday, December 7, 2008

The rest of the story

Some of my regular readers might remember my post several weeks ago reporting on how I saved the world by reporting a suspicious smell coming out of a manhole.
I hadn't really thought anything about it until Saturday night when I ran into my associate Jon S., director of the LDS Institute of Education for the New York City region. I will report on the conversation:

Jon: Did you ever hear what happened when you phoned in that gas leak?
Holly: I don't think anything--a ConEd truck came and was there the rest of the night.
Jon: Well, a few days later they tore up the whole street and replaced lots of pipe.
[at this point I remember that Jon's office is in the church building where I reported the smell so he would be intimately familiar with repercussions caused by my call]
Jon: It must have been a million dollar construction project. Good thing you called. Your civic duty has been done.

So I guess the title I unofficially gave myself several years ago holds true--
Holly Bluemlein: Hero to Millions

I will consider that all my personal taxes for the rest of my life will be going towards that project.
(pic photo shopped by my talented sister Heather)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Go Holly! Now you just need a superhero costume!