Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just about every other place I've ever lived has been surrounded by farmland. So whenever it would rain for, say, 14 days straight you could say "Well at least it's helping the farmers."

But when you live in Manhattan and there are no farms for miles and miles it all seems like a waste. A horrible, inconvenient waste.

I feel like I'm back in Alaska. Only the rain doesn't even smell nice here because there's no soil. But at least the road to my house isn't caving in under the mud twice a day like it did in Denali.

Am I being a negative Nelly? I guess two weeks without sun (especially in the middle of spring) does that to me.

Even the cool party I'm going to at the Stock Market tonight is not entirely to cheer me up entirely.


Sharon said...

Thanks for the memories of Alaska! Did you every biff it coming down that hill after a good rain storm. I wonder if that hotel is even still standing? I hope the sun shines soon for you!

Lady Holiday said...

It is such a waste of rain! Especially when it is coming in through my ceiling and walls! I wish I could pack up a few clouds and send them away to a drought-ridden country.

Happy Herrons said...

Well think one day soon you will be here in the desert?!?!

Rebecca said...

i hear you sister. i had rain depression recently (must have been the same rains.) luckily, natalie gave me a cactus plant for mother's day, to remind me of my sunshine-ier desert days.