Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is how I found out

Perhaps some day our children will ask us where we were when we found out Michael Jackson had died. Please notice the side bar advertisement. What are the chances?

This is my favorite quote of the day regarding the above mentioned situation:
Chinese attorney: Who cares about Michael Jackson.
Me (with disgust): Who cares about Chairman Mao.
French attorney: Who's Chairman Mao?


Jamie said...

I remember where I was when we found out Princess Diana died...I was at your house! I was in the car when I found out about Michael today.
I found a cockroach in my apartment for the first time ever the other day. It was probably only 1.5 inches but it scared me so much. I am still scared!!!

Kate said...

I got a tweet from someone just now...hours after the fact...and was like "wait...really? the real michael jackson?" and had to google it to be sure. I'm certain there won't be a way to tell my children that story because both twitter and google will probably be obsolete by then.

becca said...

that's awesome.

i hear you're moving in with ashley in sugar house! i live near ashley.

Heather said...

MJ as I like to call him now that I have been pelted with 24/7 news coverage over the past 10 days since his passing. I was pondering about what I have learned from MJ:

1. It's okay to grab your crotch in public
2. Wearing an adult onsie OVer your pants-Genius!
3. One glove, please when you are that famous, who needs 2?

Heather said...

Oh ay, funny about the blue book and MJ!

Heather said...

OH ya, 4. bring the world together because "it don't matter is your black or white!"