Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A little of this, a little of that

1. As I am working on de-junking my apartment I discover I have three decks of Uno and two of Phase Ten. I don't think I've played Uno the entire three years I've lived here. And why do I have three opened jars of jam? I'd like to think I'm a bit more organized with my food.

2. I cannot, for the life of me, get a countdown timer on my blog. This has been a source of much frustration for me. Everyone else makes it look so easy!

3. Sunday I went to church and taught Relief Society. Wearing two different shoes. I didn't notice until the closing hymn. Those who did notice during my lesson thought I was going to tie it in as an object lesson at the end. Good idea--I might try to work that in some other time.

4. I MIGHT have just done laundry for the last time in New York. Oh happy day.

5. This is my favorite thing someone asked me recently: "Other than generally following your bliss, what are your plans for Utah?"

6. I think I'm going to take all the light bulbs with me when I leave. They're the $3 kind that last for years and years and use like 1/10 of the energy. I bought them, so it's not petty to take them, right?

7. I stink at frisbee. Just fyi.
I could put 4 more pictures just like that one, but I will refrain.

8. My "regular" roommates have both moved out and I have two very lovely subletters until the end of the month. Funny stories: I made lentil soup and asked if they wanted some. They each replied, "What's a lentil?". They both are great at doing their dishes, but one of them washes her dishes and then puts them back in the sink. I think that is so funny (funny "ha ha" just to clarify). It amuses me how things are done differently in different families and you go out into the world thinking this is normal. (Said roommate just turned 16.)

9. Last night I saw West Side Story (it was great!) and afterward we wandered around looking some sort of dessert. My date recommended we sit in a small park to eat, but asked if I would get too cold. I decided I would be fine and then had this realization: It is July 23rd and we don't know if we can eat in the park because it might be too cold? What a weird summer.

10. Yesterday I discovered that my firm doesn't pay for unused vacation days, which means I get to take all of next week off!! Then one week of work and then off to my new life!


jeff said...

My words AND image made your blog in the same post! Woo hoo!

becca said...

i love that you wore two different shoes to church! hahaha.

Tamara said...

i too am loving the two different shoes. SO great. just goes to show you have much more to bother with these days, which is super great!

stacey said...

i can't believe you are moving that soon. good luck with moving.

momma street said...

I LOVE the shoes! You are the best!! Good luck with moving!

Happy Herrons said...

Come to Utah!