Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here and Now

Did you realize that I had been living out of my car, adventuring across America for three weeks? I had no idea until right towards the end. No wonder everyone kept asking me "What? You're not in Utah yet?" No wonder people were getting on me about updating my blog. That also explains why I've run out of so many of my toiletries while I've been on the road. I didn't realize I'd been gone so long until I was thinking one day: "I've never been away from New York City more than two weeks. I bet it will be hard when I hit the two week point." I did the math in my head to find out when that would be and realized it had been four days earlier.

Well, time flies when you're having fun.

But the epic cross-country trek has ended. I'll probably write about it later. For now I just want to report that yesterday I arrived safe and sound in my new place in Salt Lake City. I don't have a bed yet, so like any good suburbanite, I slept in the grass in the back yard. (photo taken and edited by my new roomie Ashley, who is a graphic designer who knows who to do fancy things with digital photos. You can see her sleeping bag on the futon.)

I'll report more on my new life and my most recent adventure later. For now, I will just report: so far, so good.


Heather said...

Wow!! an actual post. way to go. Welcome to Utah! we are so excited you are here.

Sally said...

WELCOME!! Yeah, you're here!

Jamie said...

Glad you made it safely!! I am ready for you to come back and visit me again now!!

Happy Herrons said...

SO glad you are in the 'hood now!