Friday, September 11, 2009

My Favorite Conversation of the Day

Today I fulfilled a life goal of going to Ikea and staying as long as I wanted--no rental car to return, ferry to catch, or mandatory meeting to attend. Upon arriving home, I realized that I had accidentally shoplifted a rug (don't worry, I'll call tomorrow and make good). But that is not the point of this story. The point of this story is to share the conversation that happened immediately upon my returning home:

Me: Is Ashley home?
Roommate: No, I think she's still at the football game.
Me (with emotion bordering on horror): What?!!!! There was a game tonight?!!!!
Roommate: Yeah, the first NFL game of the year, I think.
Me: Oh!!! Thank goodness!!

Apparently, it had temporarily slipped my mind that teams other than BYU play football.

Go Cougs!!!!!

PS. I'm publishing this post from my iPhone in bed at 3:30am because I can't sleep because I'm so so so excited about my plans to decorate and organize my room/life. Thanks Valerie for all the ideas and inspirations.

1 comment:

Happy Herrons said...

Um, maybe there will be more games later?