Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lunch Dilemma Solved

(I really wanted this picture at the end, but I can't get it to move. Darn it.)

Funny how news that is not worthy of a phone call or email is somehow worthy of a blog. Case in point: today i solved a lunch issue that has plagued me since beginning my career. Allow me to share: As those of you who know me well would imagine, I don't like wasting money buying lunch. When I can, I like to bring my own lunch. this poses two problems: 1)I don't always have time to make a lunch in the morning. 2) When I do bring my lunch, I tend to eat it around 9:30 or 10 which, before the end of the day, leaves me very hungry (or more likely, very lethargic). So I am either mentally out of it or have to spend money on food anyway. Finally this morning, an epiphany hit me! I took a jar of peanut butter to my office and two slices of bread. I bought a banana from the street vendor by the subway stop. Using the butter knife I mysteriously found on my desk one morning several months back, I constructed myself a sandwich around 12:30. (Also, I could have used a plastic knife but they are quite wimpy compared to the huge jar of peanut butter I brought which was largely already used.)

Anyway, from now on all I need to do to have a yummy, healthy, cheap lunch is remember to bring two slices of bread with me to work. I can even have some low-fat milk from the coffee supply. It is much easier not to eat something at 9;15 when it's not made yet.

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