Monday, April 14, 2008

The Rumors are True

Due to certain irresponsible, and some would say near-suicidal g-chat status messaging (done largely by me) rumors have begun to circulate that I underpaid my 2007 taxes by nearly $800.

These rumors are true.

Upon making this startling realization, I will admit I felt heavy internal pressure to unravel, which I did but only to the extent of issuing public g-chat status messages regarding my state of turmoil and subsequent arrival at peace.

Having thought it over more thoroughly, I have decided to turn this into an opportunity to be thankful to be a some-what aggressive saver so that this little incident will not actually affect the quality of my life at all. I've also decided that $800 is a small price to pay for living in what is largely considered to be the country place on earth.

So really, I've made it a joyful experience.

1 comment:

Heather said...

OH NO!!! that is aweful. Did the IRS tell you or did you figure it out yourself. I know 2 years ago I accidentally took the school credit for Katrina and had to pay back 95 bucks...but it's no 800. Good job on being positive. On a positive note, now people can not expect you to afford a non heart shaped pan!