Monday, August 25, 2008

If someone tells you you're one in a million, that means there's a thousand of you in China

It turns out I have another celebrity look-a-like.

Of course most of you know that I'm a dead ringer for Mary Lynn Rajskub (Chloe on 24)
The above picture I think captures the likeness the best, but I like the one below better

Although I look the most like Mary Lynn and have been mistaken for her a few times (most recently by a nice orthodox man in the elevator at work), I have been told recently that I look like Emily Watson (not the girl from Harry Potter, the lady from Miss Potter. Which now that I think about it is kind of a fun similar movie name coincidence):

Not to be cocky or anything, but I do tend to think I'm a better-looking version of either of these two. But perhaps I am getting too big of a head--just last month someone in my ward was so excited because I looked just like Princess Nuala from Hellboy II. At first I was excited because "Princess" anybody sounds like a compliment, but then I looked her up:

I am not currently claiming her as a celebrity look-a-like.


Heather said...

haahhha-good ones!

Meredith said...

I never thought about in before, but you do resemble the girl from 24. I agree that you're better looking though. I hope we can get together while we live so close!