Monday, December 8, 2008

Ryan Simmons is my hero

If you only do one thing today, please watch the video below. It stars Ryan, a fellow in my congregation who is a comedic genius. It was put together by Collin Mapp, a fellow in my ward who, as far as I can tell from my limited exposure to his work, is a cinematic genius.

So watch. Enjoy. And share with your friends.
And to anyone within four hours of Manhattan--you do not want to miss Ryan's one-man Christmas show on the 17th.


Dawna said...

Oh man, we were totally in "joseph...." with this guy and his sister Taylor in like 2002 in Springville Utah! He was the pharoah and he was HIL-arious. And Shane accidentally grabbed Taylor's boob while dancing with her. But that's theater, right? Boobs are like... elbows. He's in your ward???

Liz H. said...

this is hilarious! thanks for sharing, holly!