Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blast from the Past

My saintly sister Heather has taken the project of scanning all the Bluemlein family photos. Bless her! I wanted to share with you some of the highlights:

Me and some cousins playing in the mud

These two are legendary within the family. The first for absolute adorableness, the second for some random reason I couldn't tell you.

Me as a baby

My first Halloween (or possibly just another day with the dress up clothes)

Grandma visiting shortly after my birth

There were others that I wanted to share, but for some reason, my computer is not recognizing their existence. Maybe later.

Thank you Heather for your diligent work! And also, a shout-out to my seester Ann for starting the project.


Heather said...

You look so much like Emma when you were a baby! Also, the picture visiting grandma was when she was on her mission in South Carolina! Happy Sunday!

Happy Herrons said...

Yah, thanks for posting the naked picture AGAIN on the internet - how I can never be a famous politician!!