Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Blue v. Red

Today I wanted to wear red to work to show my support for the red states.

Turns out I have one (1) red shirt and it was in the wash.

I found a rose colored shirt shirt that I decided would work.

It turns out I only have blue pants. Yes, 100% blue. No pants whatsoever of any other color. (I know-- I was shocked too.) I didn't want to wear a skirt, so I made due with the blue.

I got all cute and even fixed my hair. Put on foundation and everything. I wanted to represent McCain well at the poll.

As I was leaving I realized that all of my jackets are blue.

So I pretty much ended up dressed as a democrat.

I felt slightly better when I saw that both Pallin and Cindy McCain were dressed in non-red for the concession speech.


jeff said...

I was waiting in line at the polls when I realized I was wearing a red shirt: my only one. I've never owned many red articles, but it's for a reason far more important than politics--it's the color of the University of Utah!

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am thrilled with the outcome. It's an amazing time to be alive Holly!

candicetheresa said...

Man. Man. Man. Pray for this country we will.

Lisa H said...

I bet that regardless of what you wearing you looked cute :) I was wearing brown that day, I wonder what that means?