Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bluemlein Family Thanksmas Report

Subtitle: it's a Thanksgiving miracle.

About three weeks ago we Bluemleins had our annual Thankmas gathering. This is a holiday we invented three years ago so we can all get together to celebrate Thaksgiving and Christmas in one fell swoop during a nonholiday weekend so we don't have to compete with in-laws and don't have to travel when the rest of the country is traveling. And why am I just reporting on this now, you may ask? Because i super want to share a video clip my technologically-savvy brother John made and although I have a copy of said video, for some drunken reason my blog would not import it. But last night, upon returning from my Thanksgiving merry-making on Long Island it occurred to me: my blog is so messed up right now, maybe it will import the video now. And lo and behold! it did!! Said video clip is directly below. I super love it because I think it captures the energy of my family well. This is a song Heather arranged years ago to help rally the troops and get everyone out the door.

Here is a picture of my super good-looking family taken during Thanksmas

Most of the vacation was spent on video games and playing with the nieces

A highlight for me was discovering that both my nieces loves dancing. An impromptu dance party was held. Unshown here in Ellie running around and dancing circles around me and Emma

The other highlight the super awesome balloon hat my super awesome brother David got for me. We were at a pizza parlor and a guy was going around making balloon animal I saw a five-year old wearing this hat and I really wanted one. I figured I would just go without, but David got me one! Specially made!!
My only regret is that I couldn't take it home with me on the plane =(.

Favorite quote for the reunion: "Heather, are you wearing my contacts? I ask because i went to put mine in and the case was empty." (she was)

(and once again, for some reason the photos are messed up. This time is probably my fault, but I'm not going to bother importing all of them again. Hopefully those

of you interested in doing so will be able to figure out the captions easily enough)


Lisa H said...

Dear Holly,

Happy Thanksgiving to you! My sister and I really enjoyed the rally-the-troops song. Perhaps we will try it too, if you don't mind. Be well!


Heather said...

That video is totallya awsome. I think it does capture the family nicely.

Anonymous said...

That video is the best ever!! If I knew how to put it on Youtube, I would.

Happy Herrons said...

Flipping hysterical! I burst out laughing TWICE during your blogging! Can I get a copy of the video - really it is priceless. Maybe we should do a real performance of the song - surely some big company would want to PAY us to tell people to shop!