Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Subtitle: all residual Montauk issues resolved
Some of you may recall from my last post that my beloved bicycle was broken during my Montauk adventure. Although it looked bad: I figured "No biggie. One trip to the bike shop should fix this. I'm still under warranty and all."

But my story turns out even better: I fixed it WITH MY OWN HANDS. Not with my own knowledge, mind you, but nonetheless I am very very pleased with this unexpected turn of events.

The hero of this story is Marcus, my official go-to guy for all things bicycle related.

After sending Marcus a digital picture of the problem, he said I would be able to fix it myself. I'll confess that although I consider Marcus to be a trustworthy person, I did not believe him. But we got on speaker phone, learned some vocab words ("cable", "cable housing", and others that I was taught but did not learn) and with much reassuring ("don't worry, you're NOT strong enough to break the cable") Viola! it was fixed! Good as new! It was incredible! I still find it hard to believe that I, ME, Holly Bluemlein, was somehow involved in the process. I feel like I can do anything now!


Tamara said...

Oh wondrous of all wonders!! Isn't it nice to know that even the smallest of miracles let's us feel as if we can do anything??
And I know for a fact that YES -- YOU CAN!

Happy Herrons said...

You are woman hear you ROAR!!