Friday, June 6, 2008

Mormon Night at Carnegie Hall

Of all the super awesome performing arts events that I am lucky enough to get to attend here, I'm not sure why I'm choosing to report on this one, but I just have this urge to do so.

So, the BYU Chamber Orchestra came to perform at Carnegie Hall. Tickets were free so I went. It was so funny because it was just like at BYU--people clapped between movements and they even started with a prayer. Funny! (After the first outbreak of applause between movements, I realized I was accidentally saying to myself "don't clap! don't clap" loud enough that the people around me could hear (oops!) and they thought I was just loudly sharing my lack of satisfaction.)

Going did remind me of my happy time of seeing shows for free at BYU. It occurred to me that I haven't seen any sort of orchestra since BYU. I'd forgotten how much I really really enjoy those concerts! I will have to make it a habit to see more of them.

My roommate Amelia 's brother was the concert master so that was fun. The chamber orchestra did a good job. They played Appalachian Spring which I have ALWAYS wanted to hear in concert, Beethoven's 4th ("rightly overshadowed, wrongly overlooked" as the playbill said), a Rossini overture (did you know he wrote 39 operas in 19 years and then never wrote again even though he lived like 30 more years?), and a piece by a BYU professor who was my stake president for a while.

All in all, a lovely evening. Although I did have to chuckle to myself a few times.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I, for one, did love sending you messages in the air from afar. :)