Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I am SO mad at you M. Night Shyamalan!!!

That is exactly what goes through my head every time I see this:

What happened M. Night Shyamalan? I thought we were on the same page, you me and Alfred Hitchcock. The scary stuff is the stuff you don't see. Why do you have to put things in your movie to make it rated R? We've had a good run! I had a BIG party for your last movie. And I completely forgave you for the fact that it was a rather bad movie. I was happy to show you my complete support for this new endeavor. And then you turned on me. Why M. Night Shyamalan, why?


Kendra Leigh said...

Amen! Thanks for actually saying this out loud. I was beginning to think that Matt & I were the only ones who weren't going to see it because of it's rating.

Happy Herrons said...

I agree - dork! It is more scary if we SEE people falling off buildings? I hope this one tanks soon.

Heather said...

I agree!

stacey said...

ok, holly! i just saw the greatest thing. an "aqua globe". it is this little thing you put water in and then stick it in your plants and IT WATERS YOUR PLANTS FOR YOU! "it will never over water or under water!" anyway, the website is BuyAquaGlobe.com it looked really cool. thought you might like it. also, the m. night shyamalan thing, i agree. what a dork.