Monday, June 30, 2008

I Am A Legal Secretary

For some reason, the last two days I've been thinking a lot about the fact that I am not a nurse. I had decided to become one once in my adult life. I kept to that plan for about a year and made several major life decisions based on it, but ultimately decided against it (obviously). But the path that it put me on even temporarily was a good one. And since making the decision leave that path, I have not really thought of it again. Until now. Not that I'm second-guessing myself-- I really really like where I am now and my future plans. But I am having this inexplicable longing towards nursing. It is a very interesting, peaceful, unfamiliar feeling that I've never experienced before that I can recall. Don't worry (or hope, Mom)-- I am NOT making any plans to pursue a career in nursing (although websites with NYC programs have been consulted). I am taking this sudden wave of feeling as a sign that there are many paths I could have taken in my life and all of those would have made me happy and trained me for the various roles in my life. That there is not one set course for my life. And no matter what I can and will be happy.

Also, I find my inexplicable desire to blog about this strange feeling interesting.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Thanks for the wisdom Holly, you really have an amazing life!